The serious side of entrepreneur SINS

Pravin Shekar
The Outlier Marketer


Get rid of these entrepreneur sins. TODAY. Please. Pretty Please.

1. LIMBO: Don’t know there’s a problem. Don’t see a need to do something. If you don’t understand the need and importance of marketing, well, welcome to hell.

2. SLOTH: The ostrich syndrome. Dig your head in and pretend there’s no problem. “Everything is fine. I don’t need to do anything. Why plan? What’s a scenario?”

3. LUST: We have what we need. We need to live within that. The lockdown has taught us that. Anything more then, isn’t that lust?

4. GLUTTONY: Spending money without measurement. Being happy with vanity metrics but having no connection with reality. Is it generating leads? Am I making money? You cannot afford to dwell in gluttony anymore. Marketing is ceasing to be the big gray area it used to be.

5. INCEST: I will do what I have done. It worked for me before. It will continue to work. Things will be back to normal. Incestuous: same team, same ideas, same work…

6. INSULAR: Insular: It wasn’t developed here. So, I won’t use it.

Don’t bring in new ideas. Listen to me, I know everything. I will do it myself. Boring ideas. If you are still sticking to an old template of a dated playbook, welcome to this level of hell.

The only escape is outlier thinking and marketing, where you add value and build trust.

7. ANGER: The client is an idiot. They don’t understand me or my products. The government is to be blamed. Another country. Even gods. But not me!

8. HERESY/RUMOURS: It will get better. They said it. Selective hearing (and intake) is a hell in itself. Letting the self-bias cloud understanding and judgement.

9. GREED: I want it all. Everyone is my client. The whole world is my market…

10.JEALOUSY: He seems to get it all…
I am smarter than him. But I don’t seem to get the same results. How can he alone…..? I will ensure he can’t get it either!

Get rid of these entrepreneur sins. TODAY. Please. Pretty Please.

This is part four of the series: Climb your way out hell: Outlier Marketing to overcome worst-case scenarios and grow your business

3. The entrepreneur’s hell: Part ONE
2. How to make a business plan in the face of the pandemic?
When well laid plans fail…

Pravin Shekar is an outlier marketer, parallel entrepreneur and a raconteur.

mic @ .

Pravin is the author of five books: Devil Does Care, Getting paid to speak, a Virtual Summit Playbook, Climb your way out of hell & a collection of travel pics/romantic poems!

#Marketing #Entrepreneur #Awareness #Strategy #Outlier #Outliermarketing #micromarketer #idea #tribe #Books #krux108

