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The Pallas Network
No filter. No chill. The Pallas Network is a place for women to find what they need, whether it is support, recommendations and so much more.
Note from the editor

My idea in starting the Pallas Network was to provide space to bring together all the amazing people I know. You know when like, in your mind, you connect two people and you’re like “They could be BFFs!” and then you introduce them to each other over email and then like six months later you’re like “so did you guys ever hang?” and it never happened? I wanted to figure out a way around that. So I started the Pallas Network. Plus I wanted somewhere to talk about clothes and makeup and working out and talking about aging and on and on. So, it was kind of selfish of me to start it (I’m an only child, sue me) but the intentions were always kind of idealistic.