The 10 (More) Best Scenes from “The West Wing”

Hopefully this time I got it right…


This originally appeared on The Passion of Christopher Pierznik and is a follow-up to The 10 Best Scenes from The West Wing

Taste is subjective. Rankings are subjective. And personal preferences are subjective. So, when you combine those three, people will appreciate the attempt and applaud the effort, but also wonder how you could forget that one thing that is clearly as good as — if not better than — everything else that was included.

Such is the case with my rundown down the other day of the best scenes in the history of The West Wing. In addition to the top ten, I also included thirteen honorable mentions, but I had to stop at some point. In doing so, I was bound to miss a few and you wonderful readers were bound to tell me so.

I’ve received many suggestions over the past few days — many coming from three siblings that may love the show even more than I and a few even coming from my wife. Some were considered and discarded, I felt others weren’t as strong the ones I had included, a few (as you’ll see) aren’t on YouTube, and, I’m ashamed to say, I had simply forgotten the best one.

So, here now, are the remaining ten greatest scenes in the history of The West Wing (and a few more honorable mentions):



Christopher Pierznik
The Passion of Christopher Pierznik

Worst-selling author of 9 books • XXL/Cuepoint/The Cauldron/Business Insider/Hip Hop Golden Age • Wu-Tang disciple • NBA savant • Bibliophile