Solved? The Curious Case of Earth’s Missing Xenon

Earth’s atmosphere does not contain enough xenon. Now one chemist thinks he knows where it’s gone

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog
4 min readSep 10, 2013


Noble gases are those famously inert members of the periodic table that shun all contact with other elements. The reason is simple. These elements—helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon—cannot react because their outer electronic shell is full. So they wander the universe, living a lonely existence in splendid isolation.

The Earth’s atmosphere contains trace amounts of noble gases in roughly the same isotopic proportions found in meteorites. That makes sense because the meteorites and the Earth formed at about the same time and so captured the noble elements in the same proportions.

And since these elements cannot react, they are still floating around in the same proportions today.

But here’s an interesting mystery. All this holds true for helium, neon, argon and krypton but not xenon. If xenon is as inert as all the other noble gases, it ought to be present in the same proportions found in meteorites. But it isn’t. So where has all the xenon gone?

Today, Mao-sheng Miao at the University of California, Santa Barbara says he thinks he knows. His answer is that xenon isn’t as inert as everyone suspected. In fact, at high temperatures and pressures it binds readily to metals such as magnesium which is plentiful in the Earth’s core.

And that’s the clue. The missing xenon is trapped in the centre of the Earth where it is chemically bound to magnesium, he says.

The idea that xenon is not entirely inert is by no means new. The Nobel prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling first predicted that it would form chemical bonds with powerful oxidising agents in the 1930s. However, it wasn’t until the 1960s that anybody found evidence of this in the form of xenon hexafluoroplatinate. Since then chemists have found numerous other xenon compounds.

So it seems obvious that the xenon deficit in the Earth’s atmosphere can be explained by this—it must have bonded with chemicals in the Earth’s core.

Not so fast. Pauling’s prediction, and all the evidence that confirms it, is that xenon can react with powerful oxidising agents such as oxygen and fluorine. In electronic terms, xenon is able to give up an electron and become positively charged.

But the Earth’s core is not an oxidising environment. Far from it. Because it is rich in metals which readily donate their electrons, the core is a reducing environment. If xenon is to react in these conditions, it must accept electrons and become negatively charged.

Nobody has ever considered this possible for xenon. Until now. Mao-sheng has shown it is possible.

His method is straightforward. He used computer simulations to show that at pressures higher than 100 gigapascals and temperatures in excess of around 1000 kelvin, xenon accepts electrons from magnesium and forms a stable crystalline structure (a stacked square lattice, if you’re asking).

This is the first evidence that noble gases can be reduced in this way. And because it comes from well accepted chemical simulations based on solid first principles, it is more than a little persuasive.

There’s an interesting corollary too. If xenon can form stable compounds with metals at high pressure and temperature, what about other noble gases? The gas most similar to xenon is krypton and Mao-sheng has also studied its propensity to bond in this way.

Sure enough, he says krypton also forms stable compounds with magnesium but requires higher pressures and temperatures to do it. He points out that these conditions only exist deeper in the Earth’s core which is dominated by heavier elements such as iron and nickel rather than magnesium. So the Earth cannot trap krypton in the same way (or indeed any of the other noble gases).

That explains why there is a xenon deficit but not a krypton equivalent.”We conclude that earth has the capability of capturing xenon but not krypton,” says Mao-sheng.

That’s an interesting idea that explains one of the great outstanding mysteries of the geosciences. However, researchers will not be satisfied merely by Mao-sheng’s theoretical work. To properly validate his theory, they will want to show experimentally that xenon forms compounds in the way he predicts.

That will take some time in the lab. Anybody with a bunsen burner, a pressure cooker and a few hours to spare should get to work. Xe Anions In Stable Mg-Xe Compounds: The Mechanism Of Missing Xe In Earth Atmosphere

