Astronomers Solve The Mystery of Pluto’s Collapsing Atmosphere 

In winter, Pluto becomes cold enough for its thin atmosphere to freeze and collapse. But new evidence has emerged that something else happens instead

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog
4 min readSep 12, 2013


Pluto, the object formerly known as the ninth planet, is something of a mystery and one of its fascinating puzzles has to do with the nature of its atmosphere. Planetary scientists have known for a couple of decades that Pluto has a thin nitrogen atmosphere that they think is sustained by nitrogen ice caps at its poles.

Because Pluto’s orbit around the Sun is so eccentric, the amount of sunlight it receives drops by a factor of three throughout its year (equivalent to 248 Earth years). Since planetary scientists have yet to observe Pluto’s atmosphere for a whole year, they have speculated that the atmosphere only exists when conditions there are hot enough to melt the nitrogen ice at the poles.

The flipside of this argument is that when Pluto moves further from the Sun and cools down, the nitrogen freezes and the atmosphere collapses— a unique event in the Solar System.

Others disagree, however, arguing that Pluto’s surface must heat up during its summer and that this stored heat can keep the atmosphere alive throughout the winter. This delay between heat being stored and released again is called thermal inertia and the big unknown in this argument is how strong this effect is on Pluto.

What’s needed to settle this argument is more data and today, Catherine Olkin at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder and a few pals say they were able to gather it earlier this year.

The only way to observe Pluto’s atmosphere from Earth is when it passes in front of a distant star. That gives astronomers a short window in which to study the way Pluto’s atmosphere affects the starlight passing through it. Just such an opportunity arose on 4 May.

Studying these occultations is trickier than it sounds. One key variable is the path and speed of the star shadow that Pluto casts on Earth. Because Pluto is so distant and its orbit known only with limited accuracy, this can be hard to calculate.

Olkin’s group specialise in this kind of work and used more than a dozen telescopes at different locations to capture the action. Even though many of them fell outside the shadow path, these instruments were useful because they helped to determine the position of the star relative to Pluto to a high degree of accuracy. This is crucial when it comes to analysing the data. In the event, only three telescopes captured starlight actually passing through Pluto’s atmosphere.

The results are impressive for an object so distant. The way the starlight changes as it passes behind Pluto gives information about the extent of the upper atmosphere and therefore the atmospheric pressure on Pluto. The way the starlight changes can also reveal some aspects of the structure of the atmosphere, for example any layers it may have.

Olkin and co say the data indicates that Pluto has an atmospheric pressure of 2.7 microbars and a temperature of about 113 Kelvin. The light curves also indicate that its lower atmosphere has a layer of haze or a significant thermal gradient or a combination of the two.

This atmospheric pressure is significantly higher than that measured during the last occultation and continues a trend of rising pressure that astronomers have observed since 1988, when they first discovered Pluto’s atmosphere. That makes sense because Pluto is currently entering its summer as it moves closer to the Sun.

In particular, the new data indicates that Pluto has a much larger thermal inertia than previously thought. Astronomers can get a sense of the thermal inertia by measuring the daily variations in the Pluto’s temperature. But this variation is determined only by the thermal inertia of the surface to a depth of about a metre or so.

But over much longer time scales, the thermal inertia of deeper material becomes important. That’s what the new data refers to. “This points to a variation of thermal inertia with depth,” say Olkin and co.

And they point out that a similar effect occurs on Neptune’s moon, Triton. “Pluto and Triton are similar in size, density and surface composition,” Olkin and co point out. “They may also be similar in their substrate thermal inertia properties.”

This extra thermal inertia is hugely significant. Olkin and co say it is good evidence that the surface stays warm enough in winter to prevent the atmosphere freezing. “Pluto’s atmosphere does not collapse,” they conclude emphatically.

That appears to solve one of the outstanding mysteries of the outer Solar System. That doesn’t mean we’re likely to hear less about Pluto in future. In 2015, a spacecraft called New Horizons will fly past this mysterious body for the first time, gathering all kinds of data about our distant neighbour.

If it performs as expected, New Horizons will provide all kinds of new information about the make up of Pluto’s atmosphere and surface, data that will help to fine tune astronomers’ models of conditions there. It will almost certainly raise all kinds of other interesting questions as well.

Planetary scientists are excited so expect to hear more about Pluto.

Ref: Pluto’s Atmosphere Does Not Collapse

