If I Should Have a Daughter

Reflections on lessons I’ve learned and what I want to pass on

Tessa Char
The Pink


Photo by Chema Photo on Unsplash

If I should have a daughter, I’d teach her the important things that school won’t teach her.

Like how to ninja squat over a toilet so that she can make any public toilet her friend. And how to drive, so she always has the means to take herself wherever she wants to go, without waiting for anyone or anything.

I’d take her to the beach, so she knows that there is a world outside the concrete jungle that we live in, so that she can feel the coarse sand and get a little dirty, so that she knows seawater is salty and can sting; but at the same time, what stings can heal. Because seawater can cure small cuts, but also be medicine for the soul. I’d tell her that her great grandpa always used seawater for mouthwash because he found it to be a cleanser, and who am I or she to argue with and contradict the wisdom of our elders and ancestors.

I’d teach her to always bring a book with her wherever she goes, so she can slip into the pages of another world whenever our world gets too much or too overwhelming for her. And I’d also teach her to read said book with…



Tessa Char
The Pink

(W)righting the wrongs in the world in justice, feminism, dating, self-help, travel, mental health, and well-life. https://linktr.ee/tessachar