Nature Is A Wicked Stepmother

And we all have to suck it up.

Francesca Dallaglio
The Pink


Photo by Pranjall Kumar on Unsplash

Let someone with severe OCD, crippling phobias, depression, and anxiety, tell you this: nature isn’t good.

It isn’t fair, it isn’t just, it isn’t good, period.

It’s cruel, unkind, ungenerous, just like the great Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi said.

At the end of his life, he came to believe that nature:

Madre è di parto e di voler matrigna,

which literally translates as “nature is a mother by birth, and a wicked stepmother by will”.

What this means is that nature first gives birth to all of us, and then deliberately makes all of us suffer.

As I stated before, I am a woman who suffers from many mental illnesses and severely struggles every day because of them, so I kind of see all of this thing of nature as a wicked stepmother as the ultimate truth.

Life is no joke.

Life as a woman, even less.

Life as a mentally ill woman, well. That’s literal hell.



Francesca Dallaglio
The Pink

Author, journalist, wannabe novelist. Constantly looking for new things to obsess over. 4X Top Writer.