Go to The Podcast Playlist
The Podcast Playlist
A list of recommended podcasts for your listening, from a vast range of topics including business, marketing, travel, life, culture, economics and more.
Note from the editor

This publication is aimed at discovering new podcasts in the fields of new businesses (startups), marketing, urban planning, travel, culture and so on. Each week, we will share some the podcasts we liked and constantly update the channel list with new finds. Hope you enjoy listening like we do!

Go to the profile of doulos jose
doulos jose
Strategy | Marketing | Digital — cosultant for new businesses in eCommerce | B2B. Travel blogs @ nomadicshoes.com. Connect @ doulos.xyz
Go to the profile of doulos jose
doulos jose
Strategy | Marketing | Digital — cosultant for new businesses in eCommerce | B2B. Travel blogs @ nomadicshoes.com. Connect @ doulos.xyz