What would SQLite look like if written in Rust? — Part 2

João Henrique Machado Silva
The Polyglot Programmer
7 min readFeb 23, 2021


Writing a SQLite clone from scratch in Rust

← Part 0 — Overview

← Part 1 — Understanding SQLite and Setting up CLI Application and REPL

Understanding the B-Tree and its role on database design — Part 3 →

View on Github (pull requests are more then welcome)

Alright! We are building a clone of SQLite, aka SQLRite, and last time all we did was a simple CLI application that will use for external commands and some accessory functions and also a simple REPL that would take a simple command to exit the application gracefully.

Now we are taking another couple of steps towards our goal. First we want to parse the input to be able to differentiate if the input is a MetaCommand or a SQLCommand . A MetaCommand start with a dot and take direct actions like .open , .help and .exit . And aSQLCommand is, well, you know.

The second step we want to take is to be able parse each of the command types and take the appropriate action. For now, we wont go too far on the database side, but we do want to be able to differentiate between different SQL Statements and have their components broken down into parts and ready to be executed. So next time we can focus on getting the parsed SQL Statement and execute it. Even…

