What would SQLite look like if written in Rust? — Part 3

João Henrique Machado Silva
The Polyglot Programmer
12 min readApr 6, 2021


Writing a SQLite clone from scratch in Rust

← Part 0 — Overview

← Part 1 — Understanding SQLite and Setting up CLI Application and REPL

← Part 2— SQL Statement and Meta Commands Parser + Error Handling

View on Github (pull requests are more then welcome)

Alright, slowly we are getting closer and closer to our objective. Which is to have a working simple relational database modeled after SQLite, meaning among other things, embedded into a single file. This time on top of all the research I had already mentioned in the previous articles of the series, I spent a lot of time just researching everything SQLite related. E.g.: documentation, code base and talks.

I also spent a lot of my time since the last chapter of the series understanding the data structures used on relational databases at their fundamental principles, how they are used on SQLite and what would be best way to approach them on the SQLRite Project.

Data Structures are key to a good program.

