The Pop Culture Guide

Michael Robert
The Pop Culture Guide
2 min readNov 5, 2021
Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash


The Pop Culture Guide (TPCG) idea comes from my continual desire to talk about pop culture. I love movies, music, tv, books, comics, video games, podcasts… on and on. I find so much joy and happiness listening to others, thinking about them, and talking about them with others too. I find myself fascinated digging into and analyzing these things, thinking about them critically, exploring what makes them unique, great, bad, interesting, worthy of the zeitgeist, etc.

So, here we are. A guide to talking about pop culture: but it’s more than that too.

The Past Plays A Part

In 2011 I started a website with my cousin Paul Gleason over an idea that cultural critique could mean something, that we could dig into art and pop culture with an intent to understand, and the idea that culture itself can tell a story. That idea became Cultural Transmogrifier, and I ran it for over two years. The site is now long gone, but the content survived, copied, and transferred between my various places over the years. That content, when able, will be transitioned here.

In 2013, my friends and I in Denver started something called Rock Club. (You can learn more about that here). I created a website for that in 2018 but never really put a lot of effort into growing it. So instead, that content has now been transferred here too. It’ll live under music and have its own sub-category. I hope you’ll check it out. There will be more from it as our hangouts happen.

The Future

Where this goes is open. The idea to name this The Pop Culture Guide was inspired by The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. If you’re not familiar with the book, the guide itself is described as “the standard repository for all knowledge and wisdom” in the galaxy.

It felt fitting to honor one of my favorite books with a cheeky reference. The Pop Culture Guide will never be that grand or encompassing, but I hope it can provide some guidance and fun for readers who share a passion for culture.

I hope that a broad enough brand name allows for creative growth and flexibility. So please join me on an unknown adventure and path that’s aimed to have fun, celebrate what we love about pop culture, and discuss the things we’re obsessed with in the past, present, and future.



Michael Robert
The Pop Culture Guide

Publisher of The Pop Culture Guide, Choosing Eco, and Tales of a Solopreneur. Editor for Climate Conscious. Writer and communications consultant.