A Four-Part Strategy For Creating New Opportunities

This is what I would do if I were just graduating.

Steve Campbell
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Artwork: Tithi Luadthong

By my count, college graduation was about 13 years ago (hot damn!) for me, almost to the day. It’s hard to believe how much time has passed since then, not to mention how drastically my life has changed.

When I first came out of school, I did a bit of soul-searching for a year to try and figure out who I actually wanted to be. Never mind trying to figure that out during school — at 35, I still can’t really shake that feeling.

But that’s okay! I’ve since come to peace with not knowing. And besides, life is long; I still have plenty of choices and opportunities ahead of me.

Thinking back about 13 years, though, has been a fun exercise, to say the least. What would I do if I knew then what I know now? Would I have ended up in another field? How might things have been different for me?

I’ll tell you one thing I’ve learned so far, and you can apply this strategy to investing: now is the time to be disproportionately risky.

Take bigger risks while you’re young

Here’s what I mean. You just graduated, right? This makes you a young, capable adult with the capacity and skills to earn money. Not only that, you…



Steve Campbell
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Aspiring author. Editor-in-Chief of the Ascent Publication. Out to help you share your voice, document your journey, and discover the path to a happier you.