How To Survive Unemployment

How to Avoid Depression When Looking for Work

Five ways to keep your spirits high while wading through garbage job listings and dealing with rejection letters.

Shaina Waterhouse
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
6 min readJan 14, 2020


Photo by KML from Pexels

Searching for a job is a pretty soul-sucking task.

You can spend hours sifting through job boards only to find two positions you’re even remotely interested in. Then you spend another couple of hours going through the application form and composing the perfect cover letter. One that says “hire me!” while also hitting all of the right keywords to make it past the digital gatekeeper.

After that, it’s all a waiting game peppered with frustrating questions. Can I find someone to send a follow-up email? Will I hear from the hiring manager? How can I reach out to ask about timelines while at the same time showing how perfect I am for this position?

What a joy.

It doesn’t take long in this process for morale to dwindle. The first few rejection letters hit your inbox and suddenly your confidence is shaken. The laptop screen begins to trigger migraines and the list of jobs you scroll through seems more and more uninteresting or unattainable.



Shaina Waterhouse
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Curious learner, sharing stories about relationships, love, and personal development.