15-Minute Survival Guides

Here at the Post-Grad, we’re constantly find ways to give you fresh guides to life after college. We do this by publishing great articles written by our fantastic writers, but now we’re also commissioning “15-Minute Survival Guides” to be written on certain topics by some of our favorite writers.

We are called the Post-Grad Survival Guide, after all.

From now on, we’ll be offering 15-Minute Survival Guides on topics ranging from finance and relationships to travel and workplace advice. Each 15-Minute Guide will be split up over the course of 3–4 blog posts.

We’re talking stock market guides, everything you must know about preparing for a wedding in 15-minutes, how to finally become a manager at work, and how to navigate Asia as a noobie traveler.

You know, stuff that they don’t really teach you in college, but you need to know. We’ll teach you here.

What to Do in Your 20s Instead of Hustling and Making Money — Sergey Faldin

Part 1: Starting Early In Life Says Nothing About Your Future Success

Part 2: 4 Things To Do In Your 20s Instead Of Making Money

Part 3: There Is No Shame In a Slow Climb

Part 4: In Your Twenties, Focus On Internal Growth

Part 5: Imagine You Won’t Become Successful

Part 6: You Can’t Just Hustle Your Way To Success Anymore

Note from the Editor: As 20-somethings, we can get focused on working, hustling, and money — too focused. But what if there was so much more to our twenties? What if it was a time for experimenting, fucking up, being naive, taking risks, honing your crafts, and investing in yourself? As Sergey himself says, “the younger you are — the more potential you’ve got.” We confess that this one has gone beyond the 15-minute scope, but it’s worth hearing.

How to Work Hard in Your 20s (And Still Have a Life) — Itxy Lopez

Part 1: Why Do You Want to Be Productive So Badly?

Part 2: If You Want to Be Free, You Need More Rules

Part 3: How to Actually Focus When You Work

Note from the Editor: 20-somethings want to kick butt they also don’t want to lose their 20s to work. It begs the question: how can we work fewer hours, but still get things done? The answer is to become more productive. In Itxy’s series, she lays out exactly how we can achieve more, in less time.

How to Be a Great Teammate in the Modern Workplace — Jake Daghe

Part 1: The 7 Qualities Professionals Want In A Teammate

Part 2: To Be the Best Teammate, Do Your Best Work

Part 3: How to Stop Comparing and Competing With Your Teammates

Note from the Editor: In a world fixated on self-improvement, being a great teammate is a radical concept, and its benefits are often taken for granted. But, as Jake himself says, “There’s a reason why no one makes it to the top by themselves.” Learning to be a great teammate could be the best decision you’ll ever make, and Jake is here to show us how to do just that.

How to Brand Yourself Online — Fab Giovanetti

Part 1: How to Define Your Personal Brand Values (And Why You Should)

Part 2: How to Develop a Memorable and Unique Brand Identity

Part 3: How to Build Your Personal Brand With Content

Note from the Editor: Whatever you do in life, whether it’s writing, marketing, design or freelancing, your personal brand matters, a lot. But how do you develop a personal brand, and what does that even mean? Lucky for us, Fab is an expect, and has bucket loads of knowledge to share with us in this series.

The Ups And Downs Of Friendships In Your 20s — Alex Burns

Part 1: Can Friendships Last a Lifetime?

Part 2: Should You Ever End a Friendship?

Part 3: The Secret to Making New Friends

Note from the Editor: Navigating friendships after college was very difficult for me. How do you stay in touch? How do you keep a good thing going? I’m happy Alex is helping others discover how to do just that — it was one of the backbones of the Post-Grad Survival Guide since 2016 when I started it.

Life at 27, Sober, & Living In My Parents Basement — Richie Crowley

Part 1: 794 Days of Water: A Sobriety Story

Part 2: Using Science & Data To Satisfy The Rise In Sober Curiosity

Part 3: From Whiskey To Water: A Guide To Your First Year Sober

Note from the Editor: This the most personal column we have published yet. Richie goes deep here; opening up on why he went sober and taking a look at the scary statistics, before helping to guide one through their transition to sobriety. Richie takes us on an epic, sad, and enlightening journey, which by the end, we are all the better for.

How to Invest as a Recent Graduate — Todd Lincoln, MBA

Part 1: Why New Grads Need to Start Investing ASAP

Part 2: How New Grads Can Invest For Long Term Wealth

Part 3: 5 Big Mistakes That Cost New Investors Money

Note from the Editor: I know nothing about investing, so when Todd sent me in these pieces, I was taking MAJOR notes. We all hear that saving money early is key, but I find it hard to know where to begin. THIS IS WHERE. Todd’s graphs, insights, and advice are all you need to get started. Trust me.

How to Survive Unemployment — Shaina Waterhouse

Part 1: How to Avoid Depression When Looking for Work

Part 2: I Have a Degree and Accepted $12 an Hour

Part 3: Out of Work? Now is the Time to Reassess Your Life

Note from the Editor: We so often read job search advice online, but never get the mental aspect of that. How draining it can be. How demoralizing it can be. Furthermore we never get advice on how to navigate our own brains in this tough time. Shaina Waterhouse comes through brilliantly with a 3-piece set on how to survive unemployment and keep your mind right.

How To Prepare For Marriage — Jessica Trésor

Part 1: How to Know You’re Ready for Marriage

Part 2: A Survival Guide for Marriage in Your Early 20s

Part 3: 4 Ways to Make Finance in Marriage Stress-Free

Note from the Editor: Marriage. Whether you love or hate the idea, I think we can all agree that preparation is in order to have a successful one. Jessica’s Marriage guide will give you a bunch of great ideas to consider when thinking about popping the question, or when you’re just a few weeks out from your special day.

The Struggle Meal Survival Guide — Clifton Long Jr.

Part 1: How I Save $1600 a Year by Meal Prepping

Part 2: How I Only Spend $40 Per Week On Groceries

Part 3: How I Save 6 Hours a Week By Meal Prepping

Note from the Editor: Food is one of my biggest expenses. I wish there was a guide on how to spend cheaply while also getting the proper nutrients our bodies need. Well, here it is. Clifton’s “struggle meal” survival guide is the perfect place to learn how to save money, time, and your health!

How To Work And Travel Abroad— J.J. Pryor

Part 1: How A Beer And A Bat Cave In Cuba Changed My Life

Part 2: Trying To Fail As A Strategy For Success

Part 3: I Got Fired After Raising $300k Crowdfunding on Kickstarter

Note from the Editor: I love J.J. and his story because he achieved what so many of us call a “dream life” of working and thriving abroad, yet he still found something was missing. His 15-Minute Guide is not just about crazy stories and fun anecdotes, it’s about finding danger, meaning, balance, and peace in a lifestyle that is so often looked at as a perfect one.

Last updated on July 16, 2020. This page will regularly update with more Temporary Columns. If you want to pitch me a temporary column of your own, email me (thomaskueglerllc@gmail.com).

