How to Become a Freelance Journalist Without Going to Journalism School

You’re not married to your major

Lydia Klemensowicz
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Jonathan Daniels/Unsplash

The most common question I receive once I tell people I’m a freelance journalist, writer and editor is:

“Oh, did you study journalism for that?”

At first, I would sift back and forth with how justified I am to say, “I’m a journalist” without studying it in university.

But now, I catch myself. It was another case of imposter syndrome. And this time, I just had to embrace the “fake it til’ you make it” mentality. I decided that I made it, not from a fancy piece of paper, but from the fact that I was doing the work. I started saying it and believing it:

“I am a freelance journalist.”

Sure, there are select careers that you should get proper educational qualifications in (read: doctor, dentist, lawyer, etc.). But in actuality, most of the skills we learn and adapt in and out of school are incredibly transferable to multiple fields.

That being said, you don’t need to pursue the path of your major. Of course, it makes sense to study what you want to do as a career, but our careers are not like a marriage. It’s not a “til death do us part” ceremony.



Lydia Klemensowicz
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Reiki Master | Love & Breakup Coach | I help people heal from heartbreak so they can attract the love and life they deserve. Learn more @healwithlydia