You Don’t Need To Be Productive All The Time

Take some time out for yourself

Tom Stevenson
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Katie Barrett/Unsplash

One of the biggest misconceptions of modern life is that we need to be working all the time. If we’re not, we’re wasting our potential and doomed to a life of mediocrity.

I realise this attitude doesn’t represent everybody, but it sure as hell represents a lot of people. I remember my old office job obsessing over productivity.

The targets we were supposed to reach were as sacrosanct to my managers as the ten commandments were to Moses. God forbid you didn’t meet them and let your manager down, never mind your own team!

Eventually, I got to the point where I was able to jump off this carousel of chasing targets whose importance were over-egged. The problem was, I was now working for myself.

This was my first experience working for myself and I didn’t have a clue how to go about it. Should I work as much as I can, or should I stick to a more traditional working day?

The freedom to set your own hours and work at a pace you desire sounds great until you actually have to do it. If you’re used to working for someone else it can take a while to adjust to this new reality.

Early on, I worked as much as I could. This meant some days I was working ten hours on various…

