Go to The Protean Journal
The Protean Journal
The journal for the individual of the 21st century — change driven by the person, not an organization. Personal reality will be reinvented by the person from time to time, as the person and the environment change.
Note from the editor

Protean: tending or able to change frequently or easily. Life is change. From Politics to personal life, everything can does pivot. Are you open to change? It is the only constant in life.

Go to the profile of B. L. Teague
B. L. Teague
B. L. Teague he/him rediscovered writing while helping family with a medical issue. He writes sci-fi, fantasy, and articles. https://tap.bio/@B.L.Teague
Go to the profile of Vinod Saratchandran
Go to the profile of Dan Hicks
Dan Hicks
Writing for a better world #onward. Newsletter: https://hcks.substack.com
Go to the profile of Atul Jha
Atul Jha
find VALUE in my article? buy me a delicious cup of coffee for $5 ☕ at buymeacoffee.com/atulzh07.
Go to the profile of Christine Breese Spirituality
Christine Breese Spirituality
ChristineBreese.com— founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences at MetaphysicsUniversity.com, GaiaSagrada.com Retreat Center & FreeRetreats4all.com