Me rn. Image: Eater

It’s Fall and That Means Fall-Related Films

So many leaves, man.

Sarah Grace Hart
The Queue
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2017


The beginning of autumn brings us so many lovely things: Cooler weather, football games, apple picking, the need for scarves on a daily basis, the changing leaves, and an excuse to drink all of the warm beverages. (I’m looking at you, hot apple cider.)

It also means it’s time to watch and re-watch all of your favorite fall-inspired films. I know, I know — there are a million of these lists floating around, but trust me, this one will most certainly have some films you might not have had on your current watch list.

Now that the official start of fall is finally upon us, I give you 16 of my favorite films that capture the essence of autumn.

Rushmore (1998)

Image: Film Grab

With prep school uniforms and extracurriculars galore, this film will make you feel like you’ll be late to your next class if you don’t stop reading this — albeit probably a quirkier class than anything offered at your actual high school.

Sweet Home Alabama (2002)

Image: Screenshot

Take a little trip down south and marvel at how pretty fall really is. Sweet Home Alabama comes complete with autumn colors, country flare and season-appropriate boots.

When Harry Met Sally (1989)

Image: Good. Food. Stories

There’s a reason this film is on every fall film list ever created. It’s simply a classic. SO MANY AUTUMNAL THEMES AND COLORS wrapped in one of the best romantic comedies ever made.

Autumn in New York (2000)

Nothing like a little fall romance between two people with a huge age difference to make you go…ugh, okay. But on the bright side, look at all those pretty fall colors.

Practical Magic (1998)

Image: Hooked on Houses

Witches in a small New England town — enough said.

Legally Blonde (2001)

Image: Glamour

Fabulously dressed and ready to take on Harvard’s fall semester, Elle Woods knows how to do autumn in New England right.

Edward Scissorhands (1990)

Image: Variety

A lil’ old school Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder who, let’s face it, are basically the king and queens of Halloween-esque films.

The Goonies (1985)

Image: Hollywood Reporter

So many sweaters and jackets happening in this perfect fall movie. They know how unpredictable that autumn weather can truly be and are prepared for anything, you know, such as a treasure hunt.

Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)

Image: Filmblerg

What’s more fall than preparing yourself for the holidays with your family? Gear up with this movie about sisters and Thanksgiving, and thank us later.

Annie Hall (1977)

Image: Woody Allen Pages

Annie Hall has her fall wardrobe down to a T and now I suddenly want to update all the outerwear in my own wardrobe.

Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001)

Image: Pinterest

Now all we need is some butterbeer and a quidditch match and we’ll have ourselves a quintessential Hogwarts fall semester, but preferably without all the Death Eaters.

The Trouble With Harry (1955)

Image: The Hitchcock Report

I mean, Alfred Hitchcock loved fall so much he moved his entire film crew to Vermont to film this classic.

E.T. (1982)

Image: Rotten Tomatoes

Get your Reese’s Pieces and red hoodie ready, this is one fall favorite that won’t ever get old.

The Heathers (1988)

Image: Bustle

Going back to school can be such a drag, why not watch this dark cult classic and envy over these mean girls’ killer sense of style: THOSE BLAZERS ARE ON POINT!

Runaway Bride (1999)

Image: Pinterest

In the mood for some classic rom-com Julia Roberts and Richard Gere magic and beautiful fall scenery? Look no further than this feel good movie.

Big (1988)

Image: CNN

All the pretty fall colors your heart can handle wrapped in some Tom Hanks perfection? Sign me up!

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Sarah Grace Hart
The Queue

I have chosen a profession where I play dress up and make believe. My 5 year old self is very proud of me @hartgracesarah