A Psalm 119 נ NUN — You Are My Light

A variation on a monorhyme

A forest with a pile of logs on the left in the foreground. A path begins on the right, and leads off into the distance. Light glows down onto the path.
Image by Joe from Pixabay

You walk beside me, day and night:
You guide my steps; You are my light.
My enemy spoils for a fight:
Defend me from their hate and spite.

My life is ever in Your hand;
They set a snare, but I will stand.
I will not stray from Your command;
Oh, teach me, God, what You have planned.

Your testament is my birthright;
You set my feet upon dry land;
You hold me up so I can stand;
Forever You are my delight.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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