Psalm 118 — Your Mercy is Forever

A Kyrielle


An empty yellow cross stands in the foreground on a yellow surface. A dark hill rises behind, with a bank of white clouds behind and above that. Above the clouds, a blue shadow of an angel fades into the blue sky.
Image by cgrape from Pixabay

My enemy surrounded me,
A swarm of hornets seeking blood,
But they could do nothing to me.
Give thanks to God; Your mercy is forever.

They pushed me hard that I might fall,
But You, my God, my strength, my song,
You lifted me and made me tall.
Give thanks to God; Your mercy is forever.

I shall not die, but live with You,
For You have opened up the gates:
You flung them wide, let all come through.
Give thanks to God; Your mercy is forever.

The Stone the builders tossed aside
Stands firm, the central Cornerstone
Enwrapped in rainbow light: Your Pride.
Give thanks to God; Your mercy is forever.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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