Psalm 119 ת TAU — Grant My Voice

A Rondeau


A woman with long dark hair in profile, her left side to the viewer. She wears a leather band loosely around her head with a star shape inside a circle on the left side of her head, 2 leather thongs dangling from the bottom with a blue & a brown feather on the ends. Her eyes are closed & her hands held as if in prayer, with pink light emitting from between her palms. Behind her, the sky is stormy with dark clouds.
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

Oh, grant my voice attend You, God,
And give me wisdom deep and broad.
My lips will offer praise to You,
My tongue give tribute unto You;
O help me, God! I feel a fraud.

I long for Your salvation, God;
O, let Your hand become my aid,
And take me up, over, and through.
O, grant my voice.

If I have gone astray, O God,
Pursue me, Shepherd; be my guard,
And show me that my voice is heard.
Your law is my delight, it’s true,
And I do not forget Your Word.
O, grant my voice.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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