Psalm 120 — I Am For Peace

An English Sonnet


A night city street with a lunar eclipse centred in the sky above. A person is silhouetted walking away from the viewer.
Image by ntnvnc from Pixabay

Redeem my soul, O Lord, from lying lips,
For I have dwelt too long where they hate peace,
As if beneath a lingering eclipse.
O Love and Light, I pray that You increase!
God, what shall You give to the false and cruel?
Their words like flaming arrows coming fast;
Wise in their own heart, they are but fools:
They cannot see that You have moved on past.
Love, lift me up and carry me with You
That I would not be left with them behind.
Light, open up my eyes to what is true,
And teach me how to be gentle and kind.
I am for peace, but they cry out for war.
O hear me, God! My heart and soul restore!

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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