Psalm 123 — We Look to You

A Free Verse Poem

A person sits on a rocky outcropping, their back to the viewer. The air is foggy, the sun filtering through.
Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash

As flowers lift their faces to the sun,
As leaves receive the touch of rain,
As lovers seek each other’s eyes,
I look to You.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us!
I seek Your hand
For we are set upon, besieged, beset
With the scorn of the privileged,
With the contempt of the haughty, sneering,
Cruel ones who claim Your Name.

We look to You,
We cry to You,
Until You have mercy on us.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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