Psalm 140 — Deliver Me From Evil

A Ballad


A girl with wings on a swing. Her feet are surrounded by a ring of fire, and there are giant eyes looking down on her from the cloudy sky.
Image by Lothar Dieterich from Pixabay

Deliver me from vipers, God,
Who whet their tongues as swords,
And spit fierce venom from their lips,
Who ever practise war.

Restrain their hands away from me
Who spread a net to snare.
They yearn to see me trip and fall;
They lust to see me scared.

O Love, You guard my head and heart:
Your wings, they cover me.
You hear my cry within the storm:
You save me, set me free.

Let not a slanderer find foot,
And let their poison turn
Upon their fangs and devilry:
In their own pits they burn.

The serpents call upon Your Name,
Invoking You in vain;
Let them be cast into the flames
To never rise again.

O Love, You guard my head and heart:
Your wings, they cover me.
You hear my cry within the storm:
You save me, set me free.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a Canadian queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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