Psalm 147 — The Number of Stars

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

You know the number of the stars:
You call them all by name.
You lift me up when I am down;
You take away my shame.

You heal my broken heart, O Love,
And bind my sorrows up,
Anoint my head with fragrant oil,
And overflow my cup.

You lay the clouds across the sky,
And brew the rain for earth;
You coax the grass to lift its heads,
And You show me my worth.

You don’t rejoice in strength of flesh;
Our feats give You no thrill;
You only wish that we would make
Compassion our best skill.

You know the number of the stars:
You call them all by name.
You lift me up when I am down;
You take away my shame.

Esther learned to read when she was four years old, and began writing shortly thereafter. She is a Canadian queer Christian poet, crafting with words to create art and music.

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