Go to The Real cost of living in the UK
The Real cost of living in the UK
Talking about life in the UK and the changes we’re dealing with, six years on from Brexit, from the perspective of disability and an average home.
Note from the editor

Talking about life in the UK and the changes we’re dealing with, six years on from Brexit, from the perspective of disability and an average home.

Go to the profile of (D) Kai Wilson-Viola
(D) Kai Wilson-Viola
Corraler, cajoler, creator and collator of symbols. Biohazard tattoo'd - contents hazardous to biologicals - #Nanowrimo ML and #bipolar
Go to the profile of (D) Kai Wilson-Viola
(D) Kai Wilson-Viola
Corraler, cajoler, creator and collator of symbols. Biohazard tattoo'd - contents hazardous to biologicals - #Nanowrimo ML and #bipolar