NaNoWriMo 2017 with The Electric Girl

Christine Hart
The Fragile Receptacle
2 min readNov 2, 2017

So I’ve formally signed up for NaNoWriMo this year. Last year, I just worked on fiction during the month of November, as I generally do most other months. The only thing that made last November different was that I felt guilty about my other commitments and wished I could work on more fiction.

I use the phrase ‘work on fiction’ instead of simply saying that I’m writing because the act of writing is also my day job. Most fiction writers I know work unrelated day jobs. And most copywriters and communications professionals I know don’t slog away at fiction in their off hours. Maybe I really need a new hobby. (No, wait, I already do that too, nevermind.)

But even so, for this year’s NaNoWriMo I signed up properly — I’m sleeplessstoryteller for anyone who wants to add me as a writing buddy. I didn’t just create an account; I even shared some teaser material for the book I’m working on, The Electric Girl. The quicko cover I posted is terrible, so check out my Pin Board instead.

As I’m writing this post (instead of doing any of a host of tasks that move forward my book, my day job, or my Etsy business) I’m already considering the act of tracking and social media-ing my fiction work to be a distraction.

Will NaNoWriMo participation be just another way to procrastinate at the computer? Or will I find some writing buddies and draw extra motivation from the site’s tracker tools?

I’ll be sure to post an update here, again, when this November draws to a close. In the meantime, wish me luck!

