🚀 Introducing The Research Nest 2.0

💫 What’s new?

Editorial @ TRN
The Research Nest
4 min readAug 3, 2023


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  1. Revamped and redesigned our publication.
  2. Updated mission statement.
  3. Updated “write with us.”
  4. Updated writing guidelines.
  5. Activated our GitHub organization.
  6. Introduced new sections to be covered.

New logo. New homepage. New topics. New initiatives.

Here’s everything new that’s brewing at The Research Nest :)

🚀 Mission

TRN continues to operate as an independent online media entity focusing on STEM research/education, empowering readers with meaningful insights.

We are adding a new vision to our wishlist.

The idea that anyone, from any part of this world can collaborate with anyone else to conduct good research, learn new stuff, and get published, with freedom and control.

We want to be a platform that can host and help with networking between independent researchers, computer scientists, and engineers. We also want to help them publish their work and get meaningful feedback.

Inviting anyone with a curious mind and a passion to explore and brainstorm with us. We use GitHub to build our research community and host open-source projects.

Post your ideas here. Small or big, simple or complex, trivial or farfetched, it doesn’t matter. Let’s get along and explore the infinite possibilities out there!

🚀 Expanding Coverage

We are going to create more content than ever before. For the last many months, we have been relatively dormant. The content was unstructured, and there were only two active writers.

All of that is changing. We are bringing in more structure and categories. Here’s what you can expect going forward.

  1. đź“ť Tutorials
    They have always been the core of TRN. These high-quality, replicable content pieces can be your go-to reference for getting something done. Expect more tutorials like “How to set up OpenAI’s Whisper on Windows 11” and “Creating a real-time data stream using Apache Kafka.”
  2. đź’­ News & Commentary
    We covered news before, in bits and pieces. Moving forward, we will focus more on giving high-quality commentary on the latest news from the world of research/technology. Expect thought leadership and insights that can help you make better decisions and stay aware of the ever-evolving landscape of technology.
  3. 🎙️ Interviews
    We haven’t published an interview in ages. That will change soon. Our interview series is very unique. We don’t just interview the extraordinarily successful people but also the normal people all around us. We try to unravel incredible insights from seemingly ordinary folks you might have never encountered otherwise. These are the ground realities. Watch for some enticing stories from everyday people in tech and research.
  4. 🔑 Explained
    We have always done this and will continue to do so. The goal is to break complex tech and research concepts simplified and explained for everyone, better than AI or anyone else. :P
  5. 🏫 Bootcamps
    We are super excited to launch bootcamps with a new spin-off called the School of Self Learning. This is our version of online courses — simpler, faster, smarter, and more hands-on. All Bootcamps will be structured as an article series covering useful topics (latest AI, software, etc.). They will teach you stuff. They will help you build unique projects. They will shape your thought process and intuition. They will act as solid references for you to come back for revision.
    All the related code and projects will be documented on GitHub. They will be open to be improvised by the community. You can also submit and showcase your own projects and get feedback from everyone. Learning in public and learning by building will be our core. Every Bootcamp you finish will help you build a solid proof of work for yourself. To learn more, check out this dedicated article on Bootcamps.

Interested in contributing to any of the sections above? We are open to ideas. To know more and why you may want to publish with TRN, visit write with us.

Here’s an added bonus (and also things to remember while writing/editing at TRN)- the updated writing guidelines from XQ.

📱 The WhatsApp community

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our WhatsApp community! This platform will serve as a dynamic space for:

  • Real-time discussions
  • Swift updates
  • Brainstorming for writers, readers, researchers, and tech enthusiasts
  • Building closer connections
  • Instant feedback
  • Seamless collaboration

Moving forward, this community will also be our hub for networking, sharing growth opportunities, organizing events and interactive sessions.

In today’s world, we are an average of the five communities we actively participate in.

To keep things moderated and curated for quality, access to this community will be given on an invite-only basis. Please fill out this Google form if you are interested.

(Note: You will be notified within a week if you are in.)

And that’s a wrap. #StayTuned for exciting content, up ahead. Make sure to follow The Research Nest — Medium to get all the latest updates on your feed.

