Submission Guidelines for Participating in DDFest 2018

Editorial @ TRN
The Research Nest
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2018

Please refer to ‘The Research Nest’s December Data Festival 2018' article for more details about this e-learning campaign conducted by The Research Nest. Apart from helping beginners learn Data Science, one of the key objectives of this campaign is to help learners gain hands-on experience in the technical documentation of their results. We are having an active competition for the same.

The format for the Project Report

  • Project Title and details of the participant (Cover Page).
  • Details of the dataset chosen for your analysis.
  • The results of the exploratory data analysis performed on the dataset along with relevant data visualizations and insights gained.
  • A detailed note of the problem statement you are tackling.
  • Details about the machine learning/deep learning models trained for the same along with performance analysis.
  • Conclusions and future works.

On whole, the project report must cover all these topics. In addition to this, participants are required to submit a supporting file containing all the program code using which you have done your analysis and trained your models (preferably a .py file). The evaluation criteria and other important details were already mentioned in the previous article. Kindly go through the same for more information.

Every participant will receive individual feedback of their project report. All reports must be emailed to

Last Date for Submission: January 31st, 2018

[EDIT 1: To provide further support and help everyone build completed projects, we are extending the data festival to one more month, under development phase]

Note: The project reports prepared as a part of this competition have an option to be featured on our blog if the participant is interested in the same. They will also act as a proof of your work and help in strengthening your profile.

In case of any queries, feel free to reach out to us via email.

#HappyLearning and Thank You for your support!

