Welcome to The Reverb

Reverb is a place where the reflections of worldbuilders reside, at a moment when worldbuilding is what we’re all being called to.

Resonance Network
The Reverb
2 min readAug 13, 2020


Reverb is a center of gravity that reflects the multitude of ways people are building the world we know is possible. A world without violence, a world rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to the earth.

It is a place for stories, poetry, music, prose, artwork, and other forms of expression that illustrate the possibility we all feel in this moment — the promise of transformation that comes when our selves, communities, and collective systems center care over control, and honor what we all know to be true — that our destinies are bound up in one another’s.

Transformation in the spirit of care is taking shape in people and communities around the world. You’ll find those stories here — in many forms.

Reverb occurs when a sound is reflected back to the listener at varying times and amplitudes to create a complex echo, which carries information about the surrounding space.

Reverb is a place where the reflections of worldbuilders reside, at a moment when worldbuilding is what we’re all being called to. As this space takes shape, we see it reflecting the beauty and complexity of building new ways of being — in the voices of those who are building.

The world is rebirthing itself.

And as we feel the shifts underway, many of us find ourselves asking what our role will be in the transformation. The choices we make now are critical — allowing us to either co-create the world…or not.

In the uncertainty and upheaval around us today, we have an opportunity to shape our future, in support of one another and the earth that sustains us.

And in this moment, we draw on inspiration and evidence from one another that we can transform in the ways the world needs, and transform the world as we move.

We have been preparing for this.

Our ancestors have been preparing us for this.

And we are ready.

How to write for Reverb

We invite and welcome guest posts that reflect the ways in which worldbuilding is already taking shape — in communities, tribes, families, and teams across the globe. We welcome stories, poetry, music, prose, artwork, photography, and other forms of expression that illustrate the possibilities we hold as worldbuilders, experience makers, activists, dreamers, and storytellers.

Read our full submission guidelines here.



Resonance Network
The Reverb

Resonance Network is a constellation of people building a world without violence, rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to our planet.