10 Great September Songs

Marvelous music for your ears to FALL into!

Buddy Gott
The Riff


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

When I decided to write an article featuring songs about September, which is one of my favorite months of the year, I thought it would be very easy to find several fun songs to write about.

I was wrong.

I went to places like Spotify and Apple Music and did searches for September. I got a lot of results, but most of the songs that popped up were very, very depressing.

They all seemed to follow the same somber theme:

Our love is dying and the gloomy weather of September is just like the misery in our wretched hearts.

There were dozens and dozens of September songs like that.


Since there’s apparently a large market for that sort of thing, I was inspired to write my own depressing September poem/song.

It’s calledMy Heart Died In September” and you can read it here.

But enough about my own future Grammy Award-winning September song. Let me share some other good news with you.

Because I was a determined little writer, I kept searching and searching and searching for fun September songs. I eventually was able to find 10 fun (well, mostly fun) songs to write about here.



Buddy Gott
The Riff

Lover of music, tv, books, and movies. Host of the GOTTA POP and BUDDY'S BOOK BUDDIES podcasts.