Go to The Riveting Review
The Riveting Review
Constantly fascinated by the words that lie sprawled across the page, begging someone to engage, lean in, and flip to the next part of the story. Book reviews keep us abreast of the newest stories, the newest journeys, and the newest lives we could all be living.
Note from the editor

To submit, please send your review to nhrose.writing@gmail.com and we will be in touch about next steps moving forward. Thank you for your interest!

Go to the profile of Nikki H. Rose
Nikki H. Rose
Most people use writing to escape their minds. I use it to meet mine. | Writer ~ Reader ~ Reviewer ~ Fighter of Invisible Illnesses
Go to the profile of Liza Stone
Go to the profile of Elaine Olund
Go to the profile of Kyle Carrero
Go to the profile of Stacey Herrera
Stacey Herrera
I bring in a whole lot of laughs, clever insights, and genuine heart to everything I do. Take the Relationship Quiz: https://bit.ly/TSP-Quiz
Go to the profile of C Kelly
C Kelly
Tied to a desk job but at heart a writer by day and night. Writing about things I am passionate about. Studying BA in English Lit & Creative Writing.
Go to the profile of Jeannette Goon
Jeannette Goon
Content marketer with "too many" side interests – trying to connect all the dots, sharing what I learn along the way. 🧶 jeannette.io
Go to the profile of Ariel Lee
Ariel Lee
A writer offering the gift of the extraordinary in a world of mundane. Urban fantasy author and poetry writer.
Go to the profile of Traverse Davies
Traverse Davies
I do survival, self-publishing consultation, and writing. Check out my blog: https://dreamtime.logic11.com
Go to the profile of Shades Of Words
Shades Of Words
California based culture blogger, obsessive & compulsive reader, globetrotter. Day job in technology. Writes at https://shadesofwords.com/!
Go to the profile of Emily Kingsley
Emily Kingsley
Always polishing the flip side of the coin. Live updates from the middle class. e.kingsleywhalen@gmail.com. She/her.
Go to the profile of Raafay Khan
Raafay Khan
Sociologist writing on Politics, Religion, and Society.
Go to the profile of Alfie Jane
Alfie Jane
Forever Middle Child writing what she sees. https://alfiejaneadventures.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Tanisha Venkani
Go to the profile of Ana Fonseca
Ana Fonseca
Uncomplicated human being — mom, wife, marketer. Love books, music & chocolate. Books have been my friends since I was 3 so I love writing about them :)
Go to the profile of Steve Dalton
Steve Dalton
I am a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. I read a lot, and I tell my friends about what I’ve read.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Kojetin
Rebecca Kojetin
Health and Life Coach and Writer. I work with people to help them become the best version of themselves.
Go to the profile of Vivek Vellore
Vivek Vellore
I write about life, the universe and everything in it. Presently doing a 52 week, 52 book challenge and writing about learnings along the way.
Go to the profile of Arya Phatak
Go to the profile of Sofia St. John
Sofia St. John
I am a graduate student studying children’s literature. I worked in my school’s National Center for the Study of Children’s Literature. I ❤ books
Go to the profile of Selma
‘Ordinary’ INFJ. Slow-Reader. Learner/Enthusiast. Nature-lover. Lives reverently in healing frequency. Believer: Miracles & Kindness. Writes for YOU 💗 No bling
Go to the profile of Sara Crowe
Sara Crowe
dog-lover | photographer | writer | endlessly curious about everything
Go to the profile of Claire Handscombe
Claire Handscombe
Editor of WALK WITH US: How the West Wing Changed Our Lives; author of the novel UNSCRIPTED and of CONQUERING BABEL: a Practical Guide to Learning a Language.
Go to the profile of Jacqueline Sun
Go to the profile of Shashank Naik
Shashank Naik
Lost, and hope I’ll remain so.
Go to the profile of Anangsha Alammyan
Anangsha Alammyan
Writer. Entrepreneur. Cybersecurity Advocate. Pole Dancer. DM: anangsha@baos.pub. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnangshaAlammyan/
Go to the profile of Priyanka Pandey
Priyanka Pandey
Passionate wordsmith experiencing life's tapestry through the prism of language. I find beauty in every moment. Exploring the world, one sentence at a time.
Go to the profile of Ayem Rozi
Go to the profile of Ruchi Das
Ruchi Das
Book chomper | Book blogger | Articles on reading recommendations, writing, and world views | Ex-Chief Editor of Books are our Superpower | TW Books and Reading
Go to the profile of Lorenzo Duso
Lorenzo Duso
Physicist passionate about sustainability and applied probability. PhD Student in Computational Biology.
Go to the profile of Kavya
Software Developer | Reader | Aspiring writer
Go to the profile of Ramona Mead
Ramona Mead
Avid reader, writer of true stories, book hoarder, eternal optimist
Go to the profile of Fareha Iqtidar Khan
Fareha Iqtidar Khan
Founder FIK Atelier ™ | https://fikatelier.com | International Relations | Lifestyle | Academic | Alum: NDU | Tea Connoisseur
Go to the profile of Jjyoti
Full-time MHP. Part-time writer. Buy me a coffee - https://ko-fi.com/jjyoti
Go to the profile of Shourya Agarwal
Shourya Agarwal
A bewildered star gazer drifting from distortion to discovery.
Go to the profile of David Cuthbertson
David Cuthbertson
Hi, I’m David and I live in Manchester, UK. I’m a fan of all sorts of things and I write about books, technology and striving to get to where you want to go.
Go to the profile of June Nguyen
June Nguyen
I write about ideas that light up in my head as I’m about to fall asleep. Also a learner, reader, and cat lover.
Go to the profile of Jason Ward
Jason Ward
Freelance Writer, Author, Journalist for 30 years. Mostly lives in Asia. www.jasonwardwriter.com, thewordofward@gmail.com Top writer in History and Culture.
Go to the profile of Nusrat Nisa
Nusrat Nisa
A lover of books and drunk on dreams. An introvert writing about life, books, movies, and personal development. IG: https://www.instagram.com/thegrimreadr/
Go to the profile of Reechashree Dhungana
Reechashree Dhungana
A doctor. A seeker.
Go to the profile of Bisni Basheer
Bisni Basheer
Medical Student, Bibiliophile, Cinephile. I write about books, productivity, mental health and pop culture.
Go to the profile of Mr.M (Muthu Raja)
Mr.M (Muthu Raja)
Amateur Story Teller, Fan Of Psychological Thrillers And Murder Mysteries, Good-Reads Reviewer. Stalk My Blog For Short Stories https://www.mlogged.com/
Go to the profile of Tasha McKnight
Tasha McKnight
Back to write stories about life, love, and theater with a splash of humor
Go to the profile of Kavana Anklekar
Kavana Anklekar
“Not everything had gone to plan. But we made the best of what we had, you know?”
Go to the profile of Shubhangi Tiwari
Shubhangi Tiwari
Attorney by Profession, Writer at Heart. I also blabber all that I write here on my podcast: www.shubhangitiwari.com/podcast
Go to the profile of Kayla Vokolek
Kayla Vokolek
Pursuing MFA in Nonfiction Writing at Portland State
Go to the profile of Deborah Oyegue
Deborah Oyegue
Freelance writer | Get my FREE GUIDE to defeat writer's block👉 https://bit.ly/3eSZPTm