Go to Scene & Heard (SNH)
Scene & Heard (SNH)
Scene & Heard is where readers, writers, artists, photographers, creatives gather to observe and showcase their artistry…
Note from the editor

Scene & Heard was conceived in November 2016 with a vision to create an aesthetically pleasing, easily accessible platform for writers and artists from across the globe to be able to showcase their work to a global audience.

Go to the profile of Goat
Making Magic…Enjoy The Scene & Heard https://medium.com/the-scene-heard
Go to the profile of Goat
Making Magic…Enjoy The Scene & Heard https://medium.com/the-scene-heard
Go to the profile of SunSpirit
Move & Be Moved. Ancora Imparo
Go to the profile of Jules
Used to be like that and now I’m like this — also a bit like that and nothing like that and nothing like this.
Go to the profile of Vinod Shenoy
Vinod Shenoy
In Mumbai at the moment. vinodskokken@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Omar Talib
Omar Talib
Emotion: an entity as old as time, building block for the want and need to create words then stories. Without them, we would feel lonely, desperate, lost.
Go to the profile of K. Khalfani Ra
Go to the profile of Tak Salmastyan
Go to the profile of Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Sandeep Kumar Mishra is a writer, poet, and lecturer in English Literature and Political Science
Go to the profile of Chun Park
Go to the profile of Anto Rin
Anto Rin
I love writing fiction.
Go to the profile of Robert Mann
Robert Mann
Dad, coffee drinker, lover of words.
Go to the profile of Mirren McKenna
Mirren McKenna
I write dark little comedies.
Go to the profile of Ben Thomas
Go to the profile of Robert Kamarti Moore
Go to the profile of Aniquant
Go to the profile of Ekaterina
Go to the profile of Charles Harry Mackenzie
Charles Harry Mackenzie
I break pencils to cast spells.
Go to the profile of Kateryna Borovschi
Go to the profile of Seth Thill
Go to the profile of Alya
Go to the profile of Peter Arango
Peter Arango
I’m the author of four novels and America’s Best Kept College Secrets, a retired teacher of the humanities, eclectic reader, and prisoner of popular culture.
Go to the profile of Maneet Saluja
Maneet Saluja
Love to write Poetries and Stories. Also passionate about Photography. Just like to express myself as I am.
Go to the profile of Melissa Najera
Go to the profile of Sravani Saha
Sravani Saha
Author of ‘Yes, The Eggplant is A Chicken’ https://amzn.to/2Iym2ok Humorist, Satirist, Mom, Ex-Googler. Write to me at s.sravani@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Matt Vercillo
Matt Vercillo
poetry, fiction, whatever.
Go to the profile of E. Scott Alighieri
E. Scott Alighieri
Poetry is the clear expression of mixed feelings. W.H. Auden
Go to the profile of Yours Truly, KK (the Artist)
Yours Truly, KK (the Artist)
Yours Truly (Kimathi Kaumbutho) is a Spoken Word/Poetry writer/performer, a GRAND SLAM AFRICA Champion, and Toronto Poetry Slam Champion from Nairobi, Kenya.
Go to the profile of Tuba
Materially Inconceivable!!
Go to the profile of Charles Andrew Seaton
Go to the profile of Lunatic thoughts
Lunatic thoughts
Just some things that come to my mind.
Go to the profile of Angel Veselinov
Go to the profile of Dennett
I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.
Go to the profile of Patty Johnson
Patty Johnson
Aquaphobic psychologist. Chai alchemist. Was lost, now found at www.pjtemple.com.
Go to the profile of Zev
bring me to where my blood runs
Go to the profile of DHBogucki
Artist, Writer, Tattooist, Find me on Instagram, UnSplash, and FB under that same name.
Go to the profile of Caleb Wexler
Caleb Wexler
Writer and student at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Go to the profile of Gail Boenning
Go to the profile of Lynn Browder
Lynn Browder
I am on a mission to spread autism awareness, compassion, love and understanding. I have a twelve year old son, Owen who has autism. Love music and comedy.
Go to the profile of Frank Aroye
Frank Aroye
Writer/Storyteller (Stories are based on actual events) Copyright © 2016 Frank Aroyewun, All Rights Reserved.
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Helmich
Elizabeth Helmich
Holes and a series of rabbits — my debut poetry collection — now available! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089RRRGXX/
Go to the profile of Efe Nakpodia
Efe Nakpodia
—i am an imagist • iDream • outLOUD • my third book of poetry titled “White Noise and Third Wheels” is now available on Amazon:) xoxo
Go to the profile of Rainn
A lesbian who writes.
Go to the profile of Christopher Raley
Christopher Raley
Poems and photos. Contact me at topher.raley35@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Rupali Jeganathan
Rupali Jeganathan
Defying gravity.
Go to the profile of Katana Lippart
Katana Lippart
Collage and Printmaking Artist IG: @katanalipp_art
Go to the profile of Alex Meddings
Go to the profile of Wild Flower
Wild Flower
Jess is my real name. Writing from sandy shores in-between the chaos of life. Community worker by day and P o e t e s s all other times. Journey with me.
Go to the profile of Kristin J. Leonard
Kristin J. Leonard
Real. Fiction. Join me: kristinjleonard.com
Go to the profile of John Horan
John Horan
Writer of novels, scripts and poems. Teaches meditation. Thinks too much. https://linktr.ee/johnhoranpoetry
Go to the profile of Allan Rae
Allan Rae
Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs. https://allanrae.com
Go to the profile of Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
Mellow Drama Queen strikes thought matches.
Go to the profile of Vaghawan Ojha
Vaghawan Ojha
A drop of water you could see that dumbly awaits in vain to spill and be a stream: Alas there is sunshine.
Go to the profile of Tasneem Kagalwalla
Tasneem Kagalwalla
Life Strategist. Trainer. Speaker. Author ~ you are everything you choose to be ~ www.tasneemkagalwalla.com
Go to the profile of Rachel B. Baxter
Rachel B. Baxter
A few good stories, a thousand different versions. My dreams are written in form. Author of Mother Scorpion. http://rbbaxter.com
Go to the profile of Haris Čolić
Haris Čolić
#Poet #Author #writer Degree in biochemistry👨‍🎓👨‍🔬 #Literary #Fiction #poetry #shortstories📚📕📖 #amwriting #amreading Website: https://www.hariscolic.com
Go to the profile of Nicolette Michelle Herrera
Nicolette Michelle Herrera
I write and take photographs. Just another person on the Internet. Based in Los Angeles. https://linktr.ee/nicomichelle
Go to the profile of Veronica Keene
Go to the profile of Nardine
stories from my cluttered mind. author of warda, buy it here: https://www.passengersjournal.com/passengers-press
Go to the profile of White Feather
White Feather
Earthling — Lifelong novelist & essayist — https://whitefeather.substack.com/
Go to the profile of A Conscientious Moron
A Conscientious Moron
Nonsensical verse and prose to downgrade the soul.
Go to the profile of Dan Belmont
Dan Belmont
Writer. Software developer. Zen Buddhism practitioner. Email: danbelmontwriter@gmail.com Instagram: @fountainpenpoet
Go to the profile of A. J. Loubier
A. J. Loubier
Copywriter and creative writer. Happy with a pen in hand or my fingers over the keyboard.
Go to the profile of Roz Liddle
Roz Liddle
The only thing better than a terrific story — is two terrific stories. Trying to make that happen. Find out more at www.engagingtales.uk
Go to the profile of AJ Thompson
AJ Thompson
Wordslinger | Email me: something.something.writer [at] gmail.com
Go to the profile of Derrick Cameron
Derrick Cameron
English fiction author, husband and father. Lover of words, animals, and inner/outer space. Find out more at www.engagingtales.uk
Go to the profile of Mary L. Holden
Mary L. Holden
A constantly evaporating editor and writer. Believer in medium since 2013 when they made me wait for an invitation….
Go to the profile of Maryanne Frederick
Maryanne Frederick
I may not have much but I do have an opinion. It’s what we notice that helps to grow us. Addicted to Diet Pepsi. www.maryannefrederick.com
Go to the profile of Swathi Sriram
Swathi Sriram
Content Designer. UX Writer. Storyteller. I also write at thevirtualparchment.com
Go to the profile of Matthew Querzoli
Matthew Querzoli
And on the third router restart, He rose again. https://www.matthewquerzoli.com
Go to the profile of Sherry Kappel
Sherry Kappel
Looking for the Kind in Humankind. Heart currently Code Blue.
Go to the profile of TJ Mercury
TJ Mercury
Poet- Music Artist- Songwriter- Producer- Founder of Mercury and the Architects.
Go to the profile of Indira Reddy
Indira Reddy
Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…
Go to the profile of Stephen M. Tomic
Stephen M. Tomic
Fiction writer, Founder and Editor of The Junction : smtomic@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Ernio Hernandez
Ernio Hernandez
Writer-Artist ✍ Contact: ernio.com →in New Yorker: http://bit.ly/NYernio Find @ernio_art →on Instagram: http://bit.ly/eh-art License →via CartoonCollections.com
Go to the profile of Harper Thorpe
Harper Thorpe
Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!
Go to the profile of Empsy
Psychology Graduate interested in Personality Disorders / ASD . I love Science and Science Fiction, but I get most excited when they meet.
Go to the profile of Ellan Aldryc
Ellan Aldryc
Sci-fi Writer, failed occultist—apparently these two are correlated. http://thesitesublime.co
Go to the profile of Pragalbha Doshi
Pragalbha Doshi
Writer of soulful poetry, inspirational articles, yoga teacher, in pursuit of true joyful living and transformation, for self and others. www.pragalbhadoshi.com
Go to the profile of Albert Thomas
Albert Thomas
prose scrawled on the cave walls — poems, thoughts, and stories from the remarkably unremarkable
Go to the profile of Mark Salamon
Mark Salamon
physical therapist - author of “Does It Hurt When I Do This? An Irreverent Guide to Understanding Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation” http://marksalamonpt.com
Go to the profile of Ronan Takagi
Ronan Takagi
father. husband. writer.
Go to the profile of Kimberly Laettner (Infinite Zip)
Kimberly Laettner (Infinite Zip)
Poetry writer who searches for a life of peace, bliss, dark chocolate and a fine red wine.
Go to the profile of CoCaFran
Go to the profile of Erik Smith
Erik Smith
Are you tough enough to be kind ?
Go to the profile of Chad Zollinger
Chad Zollinger
I work hard sometimes — Product | Marketing | Design
Go to the profile of Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery" https://twitter.com/dropoutgorgeous
Go to the profile of Jack Herlocker
Jack Herlocker
Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.
Go to the profile of johnronand
nothing to lose
Go to the profile of Mateja Klaric
Mateja Klaric
Live to explore, for secrets abound. Stay in touch: https://matejaklaric.substack.com/
Go to the profile of M. Edward Alexander
M. Edward Alexander
Explorer of the human condition. Supporter of the arts, science & technology. Guided by empathy. #Poetry
Go to the profile of Willow T. Lovelace
Willow T. Lovelace
Polonius: What do you read, my lord? Hamlet: Words, words, words. (Hamlet 2.2.200–201)
Go to the profile of Zarina Dara 🥀💃🏻
Zarina Dara 🥀💃🏻
sneaking poetry into the corners of the day, and telling stories to myself in grasp of sanity.
Go to the profile of John Tuttle
John Tuttle
Journalist and creative. Words @ The Hill, Submittable, The Millions, Tablet Magazine, GMP, University Bookman, Prehistoric Times: jptuttleb9@gmail.com.
Go to the profile of Where Angels Fear
Where Angels Fear
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live and too rare to die.
Go to the profile of Pierre Gaspard
Pierre Gaspard
Journalist and Poet from Mississippi
Go to the profile of Betta Tryptophan
Betta Tryptophan
Blue-haired middle-aged lady with a tendency to say socially and politically incorrect things and to make inappropriate jokes. Awkward and (sort of) proud of it
Go to the profile of SouthpawPoet
The Left Hand of God is a Poet. Happy in the humble service of the Word.
Go to the profile of Nuraine Sadaf
Nuraine Sadaf
Travelling| Learning| Reading| Observing| Writing|
Go to the profile of Michael Stalcup
Michael Stalcup
I wonder with words. michaelstalcup.com
Go to the profile of FreneticScribbler
I'll burn myself down to forge your crown if I have to
Go to the profile of Hilal Isler
Go to the profile of Jennifer Ngo
Go to the profile of Jen Smat
Jen Smat
poet & writer. yogi. wanderer boldly going nowhere.
Go to the profile of JN
Stories will always matter, and how we tell them, also does. Writer, journalist and most importantly, human.
Go to the profile of Hope Dufault
Go to the profile of Michael Holuj
Michael Holuj
Canadian psychotherapist.
Go to the profile of Toshita
"You think, I do not belong because you have not seen me in the mud. But, how can you see me when i am dirty, if i shower every night?"
Go to the profile of Arihant Verma
Arihant Verma
I write poetry and short fiction. I meditate, code, dance, sing, play 🏀, clean stuff. I’m a non sticky pan to events 🍳.
Go to the profile of Diamond Nicole Bruns
Diamond Nicole Bruns
This is my catharsis
Go to the profile of Doc Ayomide
Doc Ayomide
I write essays + a weekly newsletter on being human and living meaningfully, through lenses of psychology, the Bible & Apple ➡️ join.docayomide.com
Go to the profile of Taegan MacLean
Taegan MacLean
Freelance content writer living in Toronto, Ontario
Go to the profile of C. Duhnne
C. Duhnne
Just expanding my universe.
Go to the profile of Heath ዟ
Heath ዟ
Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.
Go to the profile of L. Donsky-Levine
L. Donsky-Levine
Author, essayist, storyteller offering my slant on life, relationships, getting old(er) and our never-ending pursuit for happiness. www.ldonskylevine.com
Go to the profile of Rahul Misra
Rahul Misra
I write mostly poetry, and some fiction. You may find an essay in my feed once in a while. Connect at http://rmisra.com or me@rmisra.com
Go to the profile of Tien Skye
Tien Skye
has a bad habit of referring to himself in third person point of view...and he just did it again...
Go to the profile of Don Feazelle
Don Feazelle
Writer, philosopher, humorist, observer of life, an all-around lovable guy.
Go to the profile of Stuart James
Stuart James
The story speaks for itself. Remember to be a good person. Links and index at https://sjhtma.medium.com/a-suggestion-6e92a330f746
Go to the profile of Kim Smyth
Kim Smyth
Freelance writer/blogger, editor-creator of Twisted Trunk Travels-my new travel blog.
Go to the profile of Classical Sass
Classical Sass
Perpetually three eighth notes shy of a homicide. Find me on patreon: https://patreon.com/user?u=5362411
Go to the profile of Will Watson
Will Watson
Father and husband. Writer. Law student.
Go to the profile of Nivedita Shori
Nivedita Shori
Education, Social Justice, Community-building, Mindfulness, Books, Coffee, 0.5 Ink pens, Rain
Go to the profile of tissie yamamoto
tissie yamamoto
one life. one encounter.
Go to the profile of Jimmy Nyakora
Jimmy Nyakora
Write• Teach • Play 🔁
Go to the profile of Tanu Vohra
Tanu Vohra
Words whizz around my mind and I engrave them into my writing…galvanising and rejuvenating thoughts each day…..
Go to the profile of kurt gasbarra
kurt gasbarra
Us Poets... sad but Hoping Delicious delusions of Humanity’s Ultimate goal... of serving Others in need more than Meself. But I digress here Music 🎶 is
Go to the profile of Mela Blust
Mela Blust
poet. mother. lover. human. http://www.melablust.com
Go to the profile of JNA
Poet + all-media artist. Working on a book. Support me at patreon.com/chicfeast
Go to the profile of William Lehutjo
William Lehutjo
Love discovering new things | Hoping to inspire people to change their mindsets to experience extraordinary success
Go to the profile of Garnet Shaw Robbie
Garnet Shaw Robbie
Poets find poetry … Poetry finds poets.
Go to the profile of Alex Perez
Alex Perez
Medium won't stop bothering me so I'm typing something here so it will stop.
Go to the profile of Alessandro Tinchini
Alessandro Tinchini
Sharing Economy Operator
Go to the profile of Fräulein
[ˈfrɔɪlʌɪn]. I’m a 20-something year old that, like any millennial, is facing the crisis of a 1st world female. I’m broke, stranded and lost. But that's okay.
Go to the profile of Jenny Munaweera
Go to the profile of Briana Gonzalez
Briana Gonzalez
Go to the profile of Space Age Bonobo
Space Age Bonobo
I have stories pouring from my eyes & ears.
Go to the profile of J Grant
J Grant
I write fiction, creative nonfiction, memoir and poetry.
Go to the profile of emma poe
emma poe
“Got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul.” Eddie Vedder