Go to The Secular Seamless Garment
The Secular Seamless Garment
The consistent life ethic is a philosophy that opposes the killing of human beings, whether through war, the death penalty, euthanasia, abortion, or other violence. We oppose racism, ableism, and poverty. All people have intrinsic value by virtue of being human.
Note from the editor

The consistent life ethic is a philosophy that opposes the killing of human beings, whether through war, the death penalty, euthanasia, abortion, or other violence. We oppose racism, ableism, and poverty. All people have intrinsic value by virtue of being human.

Go to the profile of Sarah Terzo
Sarah Terzo
Sarah Terzo is a journalist who supports the Consistent Life Ethic, which opposes all violence & seeks to protect human life from conception to natural death.
Go to the profile of Julia Smucker