D&D 5e — Illusion Wizard, Elf

The Daily D6 — #002 | Free Character Sheet | Free to Play | Free to Use

Created using free AI image generation.

Welcome to The Daily D6 — A series of randomly-rolled, playable characters/ NPCs compatible with Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

The following character was made using the information listed in the Player’s Handbook for 5e.

I am not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.

If you’re curious about why I’m doing this and/or the methods I’m using to do so, check out this blog post.

Happy Adventuring!

Ability Scores & Proficiency Bonuses

These represent your character’s talents and physical prowess. Each score translates to a modifier that you add to relevant skill checks & saving throws.

Higher scores mean better bonuses.

STR —14 (+2)

DEX — 11 +2 (+1)

CON — 12 (+1)

INT — 16 (+3)

WIS —16 (+3)

CHA — 12 (+1)

Ability Checks

When playing, there will be times when an ability check is needed to perform an action.

For example, you may need to test your athletic skill (STR) to save your comrade from certain death, or your arcana skills (INT) to identify a found scroll or spellbook.

The proficiency bonuses determined by your ability scores make up the bonuses for these checks.

Skills that this player is proficient in are in bold.

Athletics (+2)

Acrobatics (+1)

Sleight of Hand (+1)

Stealth (+1)

Arcana (+3)

History (+3)

Investigation (+3)

Nature (+3)

Religion (+3)

Animal Handling (+3)

Insight (+3)

Medicine (+3)

Perception (+3)

Survival (+3)

Deception (+1)

Intimidation (+1)

Performance (+1)

Persuasion (+1)


Wizard | (Player Handbook p.112–119)

Class Features

Skill Proficiencies — Arcana | History

Arcane Tradition — School of Illusion (p.118)

Cantrips (≤ Lvl 3) — Minor Illusion | Dancing Lights | Chill Touch | Ray of Frost

Spells (≤ Lvl 3) Magic Missle (1) | Disguise Self (1) | Sleep (1) | Fog Cloud (1) | Invisibility (2) | Suggestion (2)



Arcane Focus

Scholar’s Pack

Personality & Background

To flesh out who this character is as a person, you’ll need one ideal, one bond, one flaw, and two personality traits.


I think we’ve already come to the first character that I’ll be snatching up as one of my own in Terra Ciona (you’re still free to use this as I’ll be adding much more that won’t be shown here).

I’m thinking that this Elf is going to be one of a whimsical, sort of eccentric personality. They can often be found excitedly murmuring to themselves about a new find or discovery, endlessly fascinated by many ways the mind can be tricked.


I could definitely see this Elf as a Sage, but also maybe an Entertainer, or even a Charlatan? There are a few different angles I could see this character going in, depending on the playstyle.

What do you think? What kind of character does this illusionary Elven Wizard strike you as? Would you play this character?

Let me know in the comments!

P.S. — I’ll edit this post later to link to the character that I make with this base!

Curious About Yesterday’s Post?

See the Characters in Action — Read the Webcomic!

Want to join the adventure? Here’s how you can get involved.

  1. Find Buffy, the Bard — She is the main protagonist of this story, which you can read and participate in on Instagram.
  2. Join the Guild — Subscribe to The Seekers Guild Newsletter to receive your Guild Card, and to choose which class you want to be in this story!
  3. Follow This Parcel — This is the Guild’s public parcel, as opposed to the private one in the Newsletter.
  4. Recruit Adventurers! Terra Ciona is a big world. We’re going to need all the help we can get to explore it. (Please share if you’re enjoying the ride! Thank you!!)

