Go to The Self-Styled Residency
The Self-Styled Residency
Six months holed up in Rockaway, devoted to creativity.
Note from the editor

Plagued by the question: “Where to store my work when I don’t really need a studio?”, it finally dawned on me to rent a space I can stay in where I shoot, in Rockaway beach. For six months in the bitter NYC winter, I’ll be holed up in Rockaway, devoting myself to the creative process in a self-styled residency.

Go to the profile of MZ
ux designer at zhaus.co, artist & photographer at michellezassenhaus.com and @gettyimages. mother, yogini, closet drum + bass enthusiast.
Go to the profile of MZ
ux designer at zhaus.co, artist & photographer at michellezassenhaus.com and @gettyimages. mother, yogini, closet drum + bass enthusiast.