Go to The Semantic Data Practitioner
The Semantic Data Practitioner
This publication covers the emerging semantic data practitioner space. Wedged in-between the domains of semantic knowledge graphs, software engineering, data analytics, AI, and Semantic Search. For semantic data engineers, semantic data designers, and semantic data architects.
Note from the editor

This publication covers the emerging semantic data practitioner space. Wedged in-between the domains of semantic knowledge graphs, software engineering, data analytics, AI, and Semantic Search. For semantic data engineers, semantic data designers, and semantic data architects.

Go to the profile of Philippe Höij
Philippe Höij
Passion for the intersection between organisational development, digital infrastructure, computer code and sustainability. Inspiration based sharing.
Go to the profile of Philippe Höij
Philippe Höij
Passion for the intersection between organisational development, digital infrastructure, computer code and sustainability. Inspiration based sharing.