Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life
6 min readMay 29, 2020



Lost Your Power, Want Money To Flow To You?

Your solar plexus chakra indicates the power you have to create your life

Extra Weight? — Tyler Nix, Unsplash

When I was writing The Seven Secrets my fear of what others might think when they read it led to my weight increasing by 5% almost overnight.


Because the extra weight created an extra layer of protection around my middle.

For our thoughts play a big role in determining our level of body fat.

Just as your unconscious mind, your Lifeguard is the decider in determining whether or not you will be able to lose weight — or, if you continue to stay stuck.

The solar plexus is about how we accept and use our personal power. It therefore combines both the physical as well as feelings/insights. These mean there is often a close association to issues manifesting in our throat as well as the solar plexus — more can be found in my story: Afraid to Speak Your Truth.

Gut Feelings

Candace Pert in her book Molecules of Emotion: Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine established that the “mind” was not focused in the head; rather it was distributed via the signal molecules to the whole body. The neuro- transmitters in the brain having the same configuration as those in the digestive system — hence the phrase “gut feeling”.

Medical science now knows the gut and the brain are in bi-directional communication. To quote from an article in the Journal of Physiology:

Signals along this axis can originate in the gut, the brain or both, with the objective of maintaining normal gut function and appropriate behavior….

Meaning, what we feel in our gut influences our brain and so our mood and mindset.

The solar plexus is closely connected to the digestive system, especially the gastric and hypogastric plexi. Its main function is to help transform matter into energy to fuel your body.

Governing your metabolism. it is responsible for distributing energy around your body. Commonly associated with the pancreas, its main function is to provide the energy to create momentum in your life. To move forward and realise your personal desires and intentions.

As such the solar plexus plays a fundamental role in the development and exercise of our personal power. Influencing preoccupations about social status and self-image.

The third chakra has a connection with the sun, heat, the energy of light, all forms of power. So it has the colour yellow and is associated with the element of Fire — which is why sometimes it is also depicted as yellowish red.

The Sanskrit word for the solar plexus is manipura, or “shining gem”.

Weight Pulling Your Head Down?

It functions as the centre of energy associated with ego. It is the source of personal power, self-belief, and self-worth and has a higher vibrating frequency compared to the sacral chakra.

Those with a weak solar plexus chakra view themselves as victims. They walk with their heads down as there is nothing to excite them. Nothing to run toward, they put up with poor treatment, have low expectations and aspirations. Being shy they are unwilling to take a leadership role — though are quick to sarcastically put others down!

Perceptions of criticism and rejection are two of the biggest contributors to a blocked third chakra.

More Asta Time

I first came to know Asta, a workaholic single mother, when her mother was diagnosed with cancer. She had almost been mentally, physically, and financially broken by the demands of one of her clients.

Asta went the extra mile to please her clients, though reluctant to stand up for herself. She was stressed, had a poor diet with too many stimulants and digestive issues.

Her lack of self-worth was linked to her childhood and an all-too-common perception of needing to overachieve to attract love.

Some months later Asta told me she had decided to close her office. Instead of spending time managing staff, she would focus her efforts on delivering the projects herself.

She had allowed more “Asta time” into her life, met her life partner and started letting more love into her life.

To help understand the power of your solar plexus and the message it is sending you, I have placed on YouTube a short video about Secret #3 — ready to free yourself?

There you will also find an offer to download a FREE Copy of Secret #3 “What is my gut telling me?” from my The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony?”

Issues of Digestion and Power

A lack of harmony in the solar plexus is likely to manifest in problems of digestion and metabolism. Hence why in addition to issues of weight, problems from poor energy flow through this chakra in the centre of the body include:

  • gas,
  • nausea,
  • ulcers,
  • celiac disease,
  • liver disease,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • food allergies,
  • stomach ulcers,
  • hypoglycemia,
  • hypothyroidism,
  • diabetes,
  • muscle cramps,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • chronic fatigue and
  • immune deficiencies.

Those with a blocked or deficient third chakra are passive and inactive — allowing life to pass by while they remain distracted and do nothing.

Your financial condition reflects the state of your solar plexus chakra.

When imbalanced you will face financial challenges such as finding it difficult to earn and also save money!

When your chakra is balanced and active, then you will easily become a money magnet. As an entrepreneur, customers are attracted to you as well as sales closed.

The state of this chakra indicates whether you become fabulously rich, or falter and fail.

For the message of the third chakra is: “You have the power to choose”.

A strong third chakra reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. Having the ability to make conscious choices to choose and to act.

When there is harmony in this chakra, a person exudes confidence (without being arrogant), feels self-motivated, and has a sense of purpose. Being proactive rather than reactive or inactive.

Can The Third Chakra Have Too Much Power?

Find it hard to switch off, worry too much, or have trouble sleeping, your solar plexus chakra could be spinning too fast. You can calm it down by dis-connecting from social media, going for a walk in Nature, doing yoga or tai chi etc. or enjoying some peace and quiet doing absolutely nothing.

Also encourage yourself to step out of your comfort zone by changing your daily routine.

Once you choose to live the life in the way you desire, or if you just desire to look and feel healthy so you can enjoy being in life…

…then the first action you need to take is change what is directing your actions — your beliefs.

Self love, self acceptance, and acknowledgment of your worth are the building blocks of the third chakra.

Meaning to be free of any pain or dis-comfort, to change the world in which you live, you must first address the beliefs of your Lifeguard.

Once you listen to your body´s message and accept the lesson it is offering, any limiting beliefs of the unconscious mind can be freed.

In addition to wearing more yellow clothes and eating yellow foods, other ways to bring harmony into this chakra are to seek out new experiences and wisdom. These will expand your repertoire of knowledge and skills. Dance and encourage yourself to step out of your comfort zone by changing your daily routine.

Exercising your personal power does not mean power over others. Rather it means self-mastery — the ability to master your thoughts and emotions, overcome any fear, and take appropriate action in any situation — especially relationships.

Perhaps YOU are feeling some kind of ‘imbalance’ in your relationships with others. The next story in this series, “What is p*ssing me off?” Secret #2, provides some insights.

Please Share

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

By the way, I still monitor my weight daily to identify when fear is floating around.

To Standing in Your Power


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He upsets people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

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Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.