Go to The Shield
The Shield
The Shield brings you risk management insights directly from the Founder Shield team. We’re a tech-enabled, boutique broker focused exclusively on insurance solutions for emerging industries and niche insurance products.
Note from the editor

The Shield brings you risk management insights directly from the Founder Shield team. We’re a tech-enabled, boutique broker focused exclusively on insurance solutions for emerging industries and niche insurance products.

Go to the profile of Adam Hide
Go to the profile of Jonathan Selby
Jonathan Selby
General Manager at Founder Shield, fostering a culture of unparalleled service and risk consulting for some of the fastest growing companies in the world.
Go to the profile of Carl Niedbala
Carl Niedbala
Co-Founder & COO of Founder Shield, an insurance brokerage focused on providing bespoke, scalable risk management solutions to high-growth companies
Go to the profile of Rachel Jenkins
Rachel Jenkins
Customer Success Manager at Founder Shield, an insurance brokerage focused on providing bespoke, scalable risk management solutions to high-growth companies