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The Shore of my Ignorance
The Shore of my Ignorance
Every day, I will be posting about what I have learned. The only thing I know is that I know nothing.
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More Wisdom from Spinoza

Following this previous article, here are a few other thoughts from one of history’s greatest philosophers, Spinoza.

The Philosopher Francis Bacon

To understand a philosopher, as I have learned, one must know the historical context in which the ideas were developed. Without it, it is harder to understand the motives of their philosophies and the philosophy itself.

The Historical Context of…

What is the Root of All Violence?

Peter Thiel is famous for “competition is for losers” quote and the essence of this saying was inspired by Rene Girard, a 20th Century philosopher — the book Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World is a book by Girard Peter helped popularize as well. This book…

Plato’s Republic and its Criticism from Will Durant’s Story of Philosophy

I just finished Will Durant’s The Story of Philosophy which is a great introduction to philosophy not only because it simply describes the best ideas of some of the greatest philosophers, it also gives…