Crypto-Currency Will Lead You To A Black Hole

Don’t invest in Bitcoin (or any other crypto)

Jay Krasnow
The Shortform


Photo of Bitcoin ATM.
Photo taken by author

Investing in cryptocurrency is just dangerous. Warren Buffet — the third-richest man in the world — says that cryptocurrencies “almost certainly will come to a bad ending.” According to my research, Buffet is right. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are digital assets that people use as investments or for online purchases.

Cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology to store information — not banking infrastructure — which means that you are putting your trust in technology, not people, regulations or systems. In many cases, you don’t know who you’re doing business with when you use crypto.

Since crypto scams abound, using it can get you fired, the security is poor and because it has no intrinsic value (like gold) or value backed by a government (like a dollar), stay away from it.

Learn more here.



Jay Krasnow
The Shortform

Former CIA officer | Most-definite Southpaw — Mind Cafe | Better Marketing | Writers Cooperative | Publishous — Tweet: @JayKrasnow