Declutter Your Mind

Step 2

Nela Canovic
The Shortform


Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

📝 Read through your thought list. This is the list you wrote in Step 1.

👀 Look for patterns. Notice themes in the types of thoughts you wrote down. Thoughts can be classified into different categories:

  • Daily to-do tasks (I have to finish this paper by 5 p.m.)
  • Awfulizing thoughts (I am scared that I will fail the exam. I’ll get fired and then I won’t be able to pay my bills.)
  • Procrastination thoughts (I don’t want to go for a run. I’ll work on the term paper tomorrow.)
  • Life goal-related thoughts ( I wish I knew what to do after college.)

✍🏼 Divide thoughts into groups. Use highlighters to group items on your list that belong in the same category. Create a key showing which color represents a thought category.

Get the long version here.



Nela Canovic
The Shortform

Growth mindset hacker, writer, Silicon Valley entrepreneur.