I Just Hit A Crazy Milestone!

Yay! 600 Articles on Medium.

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


I Just Hit A Crazy Milestone! 600 articles on Medium.

Within the last past few weeks, I’ve received tons of kind feedback about how I’ve helped others grow on this platform.

⭐️Paulo Laureano who managed to earn decent money within a few months said:

To get a headstart on how the platform worked, I read a zillion or so articles from Kristina God

⭐️New writer Isla Orange thanked Robert Ralph and me:

Your work and @kristinagod’s is helping me start off with a bang!

⭐️Former boot camper Nancy Blackman got her 3rd Top Writer badge.

⭐️Kimberlee made her first 0.60 on Medium:

(…) along with her puddle jumping enthusiast, whose words of encouragement helped me finally make a commitment to my writing with intent and purpose.

Today, I hit a crazy milestone — 600 stories

Here’s the proof:

Good news for you: When you’re a paying Medium member you can read all of my articles for free!

Around 400 stories are about Medium and winning the game of writing online.

Some popular stories worth binge-reading:



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/