My Unborn Child Is Already Investing

And relying on the well-known compound interest.

Daniel Silva
The Shortform
May 23, 2023


Source edited on Canva

As you may have seen, I’m engaged. Consequently, we already talked about the next step.

I made clear to my future wife that I don’t want to hinder our kid’s future, so we will start investing an average of 100$ a month for the next 23 years.

We’ll be using Trading 212, a broker that I’ve been using for 3 years now since I began my investing journey, and we’ll be relying on the well know compound interest to accumulate as much money as possible for our kid.

Chart by

As you can see, we will do this until they reach 23 years old, so the expected return, on an 8% yearly interest rate, is $73,659.10.

The idea is to guarantee them a head start in adulthood as soon as they leave college.

