Time Is Nothin But …

A scam invented by watchmakers

Yogesh Malik
The Shortform
Aug 6, 2024


Photo by Javier Graterol on Unsplash

Time is nothing but …

  • An illusion we all believe in, an illusion that dictates our reality, a thief stealing our moments.
  • The ultimate reality show, a comedy of errors.
  • What keeps everything from happening at once.
  • A non-renewable asset, a resource to be optimized.
  • A constant reminder of our mortality, the paradox of our rational minds.
  • The whispers of the ancient spirits, the expressions of our soul, the wheel of fate.
  • A measure of our existence, the silent witness of change, the mirror of our being.
  • The ultimate commodity, the headline of human progress, an exploration of consciousness.
  • A continuum that links past, present, and future, governing the progression of events in the physical realm.

What is life, humanity, consciousness, truth, emotion, dream, karma and reality?



Yogesh Malik
The Shortform

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence https://FutureMonger.com/