What’s Your Side Hustle Highlight?

Make some noise about your achievements!

Sarah Minnis
The Shortform


image shows a word cloud with words about side hustles
Image created by the author in Creative Fabrica with their Shape Cloud generator

What have you achieved with your side hustle last month?

Don’t be shy — start bragging!

Can you finish the sentences below?

Last month, I reached….

Last month, I published…….

Last month, I did……

At the end of this month, I don’t want those sentences to be unfinished!

I feel motivated and inspired when I evaluate the progress over the last month.

If I’ve got nothing to fill in, I’ve not achieved anything!

Here’s what I have to say about February…

Last month, I reached 1k followers on this platform.

Last month, I published one of my longest and favourite articles.

Last month, I made minimal progress with my side hustles due to a stressful time at work and in my life. It was still progress!

I can look back and appreciate the wins, no matter how small they may first appear!

What’s your side hustle highlight?



Sarah Minnis
The Shortform

I write about side hustles, productivity and creativity whilst trying to live an eco-friendly and happy life. I love learning new crafts, words and skills!