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Personal Finance

The Simple Personal Finance
The Simple Personal Finance
If it’s not Simple, it’s not Personal Finance
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Why investing in current top fund is wrong strategy?

I enjoy answering questions on Quora. It is a fantastic platform to exchange knowledge and learn new things. I confess some of the blog ideas are straightway picked up from questions I observe on Quora. Lately, because Indian market is at…

9 Point Investment Plan

Personal Finance is Personal, we get it. But, there should be a simple guide which can help us review our finances time to time, it should be simple enough so that anyone can understand it easily and at the same time it should be customizable enough to cater all situations of any group…

Wants, what’s your excuse?

One of my favorite article I have written has to be Need vs Want. It alighted many of my wants which were kind of hidden under the carpet. Mostly I found all those small expenses which I could not consider as (or convert into) need as we (myself and my wife) could have easily done…