Being Able to Adapt

Gregory Slator
The Simplicity of listening
2 min readOct 2, 2017

Today I’ve decided to steer my research for the topic of listening to actual real life experiences from my life rather than just observing and reading. I truly believe that adaptability and listening are both equivalent.

When it comes to working and overall just listening to friends and family you need to learn how to adapt within a conversation. As my fellow classmate in MGG 303, Jared Kish said within his blog post “We now have to be able to adapt to the ever changing challenges that this new world of work brings upon us.” (Using Adaptability in the Workplace, 2017). I would have to agree with this because there is so much diversity and new challenges forming everyday that require multiple people to figure out. Therefore, we need to listen to each other actively and attentivley so we can get a better understanding of people and activities.

I believe that these principles can also be applied for the job of an insurance agent which I did this summer. I live on Long Island so flood insurance is always a hot topic so at the office we would always have to adapt to different premiums and customers that way we were able to please them and make sure everything was okay. However, its not as easy as one might think. Customers can get very upset or lose patience. When this happens you just need to be able to calm them down and tell them you will do all you can for them and hopefully devise a strategy to ensure the best outcome

For example, when a customer would get upset with my boss he would start writing down notes of what they were saying that way he could fully understand the situation.

This was a great display of true professionalism by my boss which showed me how the situation at task should be handled. Just like my boss and myself this practice of being able to adapt and to listen will always be important in the professional world.


Kish J, (2017, Sep 23). Using adaptability in the workplace (Web Blog Post). Retrieved from

