Odysseus in front of Scylla and Charybdis, Johann Heinrich Füssli, 1794–1796


Between Scylla and Charybdis

Chapter Three: The Trap

8 min readMar 30, 2023


Chapter One | Chapter Two

“But I’m still good to go!” he said, trying to keep panic at bay. “I can still satisfy each of you again — here, I’ll show you,” he said quickly. Get off of me!”

Clio dismounted him but stayed close, leaving his cock to bounce absurdly. Kai gestured to it, slick with whatever fluid Clio secreted in her vagina.

“See? I’m not done yet.”

Selene and Clio exchanged another one of their looks, then looked back at him. Neither of them looked persuaded, and suddenly Kai felt a rush of pique. They’d each come once, their orgasms powerful enough to reverberate off the walls of the cave and ring in his ears. And he still hadn’t had an orgasm of his own. Isn’t that what every woman, monster or not, longed for? Not that he was focused on being a generous lover; he just wanted to live. But it irked him all the same.

“Why would you kill me now, when there’s more orgasms….uh, pleasure to come?” he asked as the closest tentacle wavered inches from his neck. “Why would you deny yourselves now, after centuries of deprivation?”



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