Freud’s Decision Hack Will Change Your Life

How to make a difficult decision by tapping your unconscious

Steven Gambardella
The Sophist


“The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters” by Fransisco Goya (1799). While we often think the unconscious is a dark and dangerous place, it can help us make decisions quickly and effectively. (image: public domain, source: Wikipedia. Image is cropped.)

A while back I was in a relationship I wanted to end. I needed to decide whether to see if things improve or to just call an end to it and upset the person who loved me.

It took me weeks to make the decision. I didn’t sleep well. I had a recurring night terror in which I saw enormous shadowy spiders crawling up my bed toward me. Half-awake, I’d throw my sheets off the bed and scramble to switch on the lamp only to realise I was still dreaming. When I finally made the decision to end the relationship, the spiders stopped.

We are often faced with difficult decisions. We lose sleep when dilemmas we face churn over in our minds. We rehearse each eventuality with our thoughts and repeat them over and over, hoping that exhaustive analysis will eventually give us the right path to take.

Decisions are scary. Some of us live our lives avoiding them, and perhaps suffer all the more for it.

But there are ways to make a decision more quickly. By tapping our unconscious mind — the place where the spiders came from — we can take a deeper perspective on the decision. There are simple ways of doing this, and below I’ll give you one technique that will help.

